End User Support

Compellingly maintain standardized processes without synergistic customer service. Energistically deliver top-line sources with web-enabled ROI.

Protect your users and 24/7 support - we will monitor nd update user PCs and Laptop and make sure all virus protection and Window updates are applied. Bad actors are always lookimg for a weak & vulnerable end devices its better to protect and mitigate - We also offer users training to verify any Social Engineerig phising emails or websites, its better to be proactive than be a victim.

We use industry standard.SentinelOne ActiveEDR™.

Enterprise security teams face multiple challenges when attempting to detect, investigate and remediate an advanced attack. Lack of visibility into critical control
points, manual searches through large and disparate data sources that lack context and correlation, alert fatigue from poor signal to noise ratio, and diculty containing the
attack quickly disrupt business-critical processes, impact productivity and increase operating costs.
SentinelOne ActiveEDR™ is an advanced EDR and threat hunting solution that delivers real-time visibility with contextualized, correlated insights accelerating triaging and root cause analysis. The solution lightens the SOC burden with automated threat resolution, dramatically reducing the mean time to remediate (MTTR) the incident. ActiveEDR enables proactive hunting capabilities to uncover stealthy, sophisticated threats lurking in the environment.

Key Capabilities:

Detect high-velocity threats with patented Storyline™

Accelerate investigations with seamlessly integrated MITRE ATT&CK techniques

Remediate the entire attack with patented 1-click remediation & rollback

Customize EDR to your environment with STARTM

Proactively hunt to uncover advanced adversaries

Investigate historical data with a?ordable extended data retention

Upload executables to the cloud for automated analysis work?ows with Binary Vault

Stream telemetry locally to automate SOAR work?ows with Cloud Funnel